ios webview闪退


2019-08-19 20:04:13.649046+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949809] [BoringSSL] Function boringssl_session_errorlog: line 2871 [boringssl_session_read] SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN(6): operation failed because the connection was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert
2019-08-19 20:04:13.649590+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949809] TIC Read Status [10:0x1d0168040]: 1:57
2019-08-19 20:04:15.196772+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949793] WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: {
filterBlacklist = (
filterWhitelist = (
restrictWeb = 1;
useContentFilter = 0;
useContentFilterOverrides = 0;
whitelistEnabled = 0;
2019-08-19 20:04:15.196919+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949793] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
2019-08-19 20:04:16.518602+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949793] CoreAnimation: [EAGLContext renderbufferStorage:fromDrawable:] was called from a non-main thread in an implicit transaction! Note that this may be unsafe without an explicit CATransaction or a call to [CATransaction flush].
2019-08-19 20:04:16.524062+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949793] CoreAnimation: [EAGLContext renderbufferStorage:fromDrawable:] was called from a non-main thread in an implicit transaction! Note that this may be unsafe without an explicit CATransaction or a call to [CATransaction flush].
2019-08-19 20:04:24.447885+0800 hello_world-mobile[13998:5949793] -[_MTLCommandBuffer commit], line 248: error ‘commit command buffer with uncommitted encoder’
warning: could not execute support code to read Objective-C class data in the process. This may reduce the quality of type information available.

