ios App不能联网【麻烦引擎组的同学看看】



2018-01-18 18:47:27.659678 GAME-mobile[260:17265] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful
2018-01-18 18:47:28.041846 GAME-mobile[260:17017] info: CocosAnalytics ==> enableLoggin
2018-01-18 18:47:28.158575 GAME-mobile[260:17017] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2018-01-18 18:47:28.159162 GAME-mobile[260:17017] Metal API Validation Enabled

gl.supports_OES_map_buffer: true
gl.supports_vertex_array_object: true
cocos2d.x.version: 1.7.0
gl.vendor: Apple Inc.
gl.supports_PVRTC: true
gl.renderer: Apple A9 GPU
cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler: false
gl.version: OpenGL ES 2.0 Metal - 33
gl.max_texture_size: 4096
gl.supports_ETC1: false
gl.supports_BGRA8888: false
cocos2d.x.build_type: DEBUG
gl.max_texture_units: 8
gl.max_samples_allowed: 4
gl.supports_OES_packed_depth_stencil: true
gl.supports_NPOT: true
gl.supports_discard_framebuffer: true
cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache: true
gl.supports_OES_depth24: true

Initializing JavaScriptCore
cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at script/jsb_prepare.jsc. Possible missing file.
cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at script/jsb_boot.jsc. Possible missing file.
JS: Cocos2d-x-lite v1.7.0
2018-01-18 18:47:28.979388 GAME-mobile[260:17017] cocos2d: surface size: 1334x750
cocos2d: QuadCommand: resizing index size from [-1] to [2560]
2018-01-18 18:47:29.167765 GAME-mobile[260:17017] cocos2d: surface size: 1334x750
JS: LoadScene 56UinExqFJiIFyZKJNoxgh: 219.96900000000005ms
JS: InitScene: 12.405999999999949ms
JS: AutoRelease: 0.30500000000006366ms
JS: Destroy: 0.08299999999996999ms
JS: Success to load scene: db://assets/scene/
JS: AttachPersist: 0.005999999999971806ms
JS: [WARN]: Sorry, lineHeight of system font not supported on JSB.
JS: [WARN]: Sorry, lineHeight of system font not supported on JSB.
JS: [WARN]: Sorry, lineHeight of system font not supported on JSB.
JS: == 启动界面载入 (首个页面) ==
2018-01-18 18:47:29.244306 GAME-mobile[260:17017]
JS: --M-a-i-n–S-t-a-r-t–
JS: os: iOS
JS: language: zh
JS: browser: null
JS: isMobile: true
JS: isNative: true
JS: isBrowser: undefined
JS: searchPaths(1st time is null): null
JS: —I----N----F----O—
libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
JS: – set decimal config –
JS: – set decimal config done –
JS: Activate: 562.438ms
In the constructor of HttpClient!
2018-01-18 18:47:29.798162 GAME-mobile[260:17316] Starting to load
2018-01-18 18:47:29.798387 GAME-mobile[260:17317] Starting to load http://cdn.
Error compiling builtin: Invalid private name ‘@createResolvingFunctions
2018-01-18 18:47:31.741917 GAME-mobile[260:17316] Received response from request to url
2018-01-18 18:47:31.752867 GAME-mobile[260:17317] Received response from request to url http://cdn.
XMLHttpRequest_finalize, 0x101c02000 …
XMLHttpRequest_finalize, 0x101a093d0 …



找到一样的问题了, 官方啥时候解决下,目前暂时用bluebird代替了promise,希望能早日解决:yum:

你们用的是 JavaScriptCore 内置的 Promise?是什么版本的 iOS 才会这样?



Promise 是JavaScriptCore 自带的,应该不至于有问题吧。

This is a bug in the JavascriptCore’s Promise implementation. I opened a ticket at Apple and it is confirmed.

An workaround is to come with your own Promise implementation.


然后就是,我用了bluebird.js来替换Promise,而且替换了是可以的,但是不能热更新,热更新之后就算资源里有bluebird.js,而且也加载了,但是用到的时候就还是会报错,Error compiling builtin: Invalid private name ‘@capabilities’,有啥解决办法吗?项目里用了太多promise,要全舍弃的话太恐怖了:pensive:

不至于吧 jsb.download有问题 xhr也有问题 :3: 要死了


JavaScriptCore 依赖系统本身,所以应该是只有某些低版本的 iOS 系统会有这个问题

  1. 我是ios版本是:11.2.2 最新的,同样也有这个毛病。经常httpRequest后卡死(无Promis返回),有的就是立即返回错误。这个问题,估计是ios的bug,但我的版本已经是最新的了,难道一直没有被发现或被修复?!

  2. 还有另一个问题,我的安卓机,版本是安卓7.0。会在“检查版本”的时候,长时间没有回调checkUpdatehandler,大概等几分钟后,有返回;然后开始更新。这个看过底层的代码,就是cpp没有调用callback,一直等着。这个问题,估计要@panda 大大来看看


解决了,用es6-promise的文件自己改了下 (7.8 KB)

